2023 Fall

September 2023

Welcome Back Pizza Night - 14th September 2023

AU-CogNet is back and the first event of the new semester happened Thursday the 14th at 18h.

In the pavilion of the CFIN/MIB building at 18h, we got together to meet new employees and reconnect with colleagues. Pizza was provided with funding from the Arts well-being fund.

(apologies for the shaky photo)

The second event this semester was an Introduction to R workshop on the 28th of September.

October 2023

Thursday 12th of October:

                                             17h-19h: Drinks at Psychology

Thursday 26th of October:

                                             12h-13h: Lunch at Psychology

                                             13h-15h: Breathing workshop led by Renee Lynn For

November 2023

Wednesday 8th of November:

                                            17h-19h: Drinks at IMC

Thursday 23rd of November:

                                             12h-13h: Lunch at MIB + R workshop with focus on Lme package

Tuesday 28th of November:

                                             9h30-16h: Presentation as Storytelling with Pieter Buis

December 2023

In December, for our last event of the semester, we had a lovely lunch with meals from various countires: focaccia, quiche and even vegetarian tarteletter!

Thank you to all those who attended!