2023 Spring

Speed Dating & Pizza - 30 March 2023

For our first event, we invited you to Nobelparken where we will do a few rounds of academic “speed-dating” as a fun way to get everyone to know each other in a relaxed setting (no need to prepare any talks or rehearse a round of introductions!). This will be followed by pizza, snacks, and soft drinks/beers (payment via mobile-pay box on the day) and everyone is welcome to stay and socialise afterwards.

Data wrangling in R - a practical workshop using tidyverse with Prof Kristian Tylén - 27 April 2023

In this 2-hour workshop you will learn practical tips and tricks for data wrangling in R using tidyverse. This workshop is suitable for those who are already familiar with R basics and want to enhance their data wrangling skills or need advice for specific issues. Please note this will not be an introduction to R for complete beginners.

Later in the day, we will meet for an informal gathering at the Studenterhus from 17h – this is open to all, so please join us even if you won’t attend the workshop!

The workshop will be divided in two parts. In the first part, Kristian will present the tidyverse and provide a pipeline for data wrangling and tutorials for the basic functions. In the second part, you will have hands-on help from Kristian and the other attendees to work on your data. 

Some experience is required, e.g. loading data and basic R functions. Please ensure to bring your laptop and that you have up-to-date R (version 4 or above) and Rstudio (version 1.3 or above) installed and working. If you need help updating R and Rstudio, you can check this link: https://happygitwithr.com/install-r-rstudio.html

Pizza & Drinks - 25th May 2023

We enjoyed some casual networking in the sunshine in the park in fron of CFIN/MIB. Once it got too windy, we went inside for some pizza, curtosy of the Arts Health& Well-Being fund. As you can see from the picture, we were definitely feeling good thanks to the pizza!

Academic Flourishing – Surviving and Thriving in Contemporary Academia - 6th and 7th June 2023

On the 6th (9h - 17h) and 7th of June (9h - 12h), we will hosted Johannes (Yogi) Jäger for a workshop on how to survive and thrive in academia. 

'During this workshop, we will contemplate a number of tools, metaphors, and ways of framing that are useful for coping and flourishing in the context of modern academic life. The discussion will be grounded in an evidence-based analysis of the current state of academic research and funding. This will happen in the form of an interactive workshop, where participants are asked to embark on a little intellectual adventure, to be carried out as individual work and discussion in a small-group format. There is no need to prepare in advance. All that is required to make this a fun and productive event for everyone is simply that you are fully present, both physically and mentally, during the duration of the workshop.'

To learn more about Yogi, you can check his website, google scholar, and this recent interview with the Brain Inspired podcast. We hope to see many of you there!

The event was free of charge thanks to generous support from the School of Communication and Culture.